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  • UNIX in Mind I -- Configuring Xorg DE on FreeBSD 13.2

    The historically impacts of UNIX on computer science and computer technologies are going forever along every hardware ruining UNIX-like system. Unfortunately, quite often, the original creators of revolutionary ideas finally are not those, who boost the ideas into absolutely market success. The UNIX went through same history pattern, as passed by the early success of 1980s, UNIX war, then was substituted by Linux. Except Mac OS and Sun OS/Solaris, generally people is not bothered to mention UNIX. Instead, Berkeley Software Distribution family of operating system a.k.a BSD system, is the direct descendants of UNIX, which is mostly used as “BSD-UNIX” in modern time.

  • Permanently Disable Network Manager On Debian Based OS

    There is a glitch caused by Systemd if not many, on my Debian 11 desktop. The Netwrk Manager always waits for loading “remote” booting components e.g., drivers, whenever the operating system is booting . This is probably a design “feature” of UNIX-like system, which the idea could be tracked back to Time-sharing concept of system running on UNIX.

  • GNU Emacs Configuration

    Though Emacs family is considered as ancient and slowly dying-out text editors and programming softwares, the GNU Emacs is still daily driving coding platform of plenty of users. I’m one of them, and GNU Emacs is NOT some sort of unconvenient browser for me. Emacs is one of two default supported editors on HPC cluster (another on is vi/vim). It is code editor with handy key-combinations, supports shell-like text navigation and has plenty extendible packages (similar to VScode plugins). However, most of these come only after simply and necessary configuration.

  • Set up GitHub Page

    Building up ones own github page could be trouble-ish if some details of processing are already forgotten though Github has released service since 2008. This blog post will provide few significant links from github about this topic and recode few common trouble-sources. github page is wildly used for personal website, software documentations. Many big projects actually depend upon github page to release and document their softwares.