Building up ones own github page could be trouble-ish if some details of processing are already forgotten though Github has released service since 2008. This blog post will provide few significant links from github about this topic and recode few common trouble-sources. github page is wildly used for personal website, software documentations. Many big projects actually depend upon github page to release and document their softwares.

github page usually has https address like if the repository’s name is In this case, the whole repo contain all layouts. markdown pages, posts, sass styling files and jekyll includes files. Because Jekyll static website generator is the backend framework of page. One also expected to know fundamental knowledge of Jekyll.

Now let’s start! The first kick is create a new repo. This is an almost trivial step, one can just follow github’s HOWTO link: “Creating a GitHub Pages site” After this, one should see the empty repo and information generated by github about how to push and initialization. This stage also is trivial, one can either use token or ssh key to authorization. For people using ssh key, a tiny bit must be remarked. When the ssh key pair is renamed or saved in different path other then default e.g., your ssh key is named like id_ed25519_xxx, one should run this shell command

~$: ssh-add /your/private/ssh/key/path/id_ed25510_xxx

For more troubleshot of github ssh key, see Error: Permission denied (publickey).

The last thing to pay a little bit attention is about deploy. At the repo page, clicking setting-> Pages->Build and deployment->Source->Deploy from Branch, choose the branch, where the web should be built up. After clicking save, github will take few minutes to finish the job if no bugs. The https link of the built website can be found at the top of Pages.

  • last time edited @29th. Oct. 2023